Monday, February 7, 2011


Forgiveness. The concept seems simple, and you would think that it would be easier to grasp and accept. I know that we are forgiven so that we can forgive. However, sometimes the idea of forgiveness escapes me. I look back on my life and I see the things that I have done to people, and I know that there are people who have forgiven me for some of those things. Its just not something that I am capable of and I don't understand why. When I read my bible, I see examples of people who did some despicable things, and were still used by the Lord to accomplish great things. People who have done far worse than I, but they still served a purpose. When I share my past with people, it seems like they really get something out of it, and it makes me feel good to serve as an example of both what to do, and what not to do. While I'm sometimes bitter about the things that have shaped me, I'm also happy about them, because without them, I wouldn't be the man that I am today, and though sometimes I don't seem very content with that, I love who I am. Almost as much as who I'm going to be. As God continues to work on me, I pray that he softens my heart, and makes it more like his. As I have been listening to this song, "A Heart that Forgives", by Kevin LeVar, I am realizing that I hold onto grudges for far too long, and trying to take vengeance into my own hands, and while I know that this is the wrong thing to do, its the only way that I know. The song is a reflection of the love that God has for us, and the forgiveness that he bestows upon us. I know that I want a heart like that of God.

I hope to let my pride subside, and forgive those around me who have hurt me, or that simply disgust me by their behavior. I know the heart that lets go is the heart that will know true freedom. As I feel like a prisoner to the hatred and disgruntled feelings that accompany an unforgiving heart, I try to accept that its not my place to judge, but it is my place to love people with all that I am.

Just whats on my mind tonight,

Love you guys.

Mr. Johnson

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